Honor Home
VeteransHonor Home provides stability by meeting the veterans where they are on their journey to permanent housing. Our transitional housing offers support, clothing and food. We provide comprehensive, supportive case management and access to both veteran’s programing and community resources.
Housing and Emergency Support Services
HousingHESS offers a variety of resources in order to provide the maximum amount of support that families and individuals in crisis need. If you have received an eviction notice, need information and assistance to access community resources, are currently homeless, or need support to resolve a housing emergency, please give us a call.
Kent Social Services
FoodKent Social Services (KSS) is dedicated to enhancing the nutrition of low-income residents of the Kent area by serving as the largest and most comprehensive hot meal and food pantry program in Kent. Nutritious hot meals are provided 5 days a week at no cost and with no questions asked of guests.
Kentway Senior Independent Living
SeniorsKentway Senior Independent Living is open to anyone who is over the age of 55 and can afford the cost of renting either through their own income or through eligibility with subsidized housing. Kentway offers 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom, and ADA-compliant apartments that feature a full bath, living room, and kitchen.
King Kennedy Community Center
Youth ServicesThe King Kennedy Community Center serves all ages, with a special focus on youth and seniors. Most of these children are at-risk and come from low-income households with limited means of support. KKCC provides a safe place for youth to hang out and participate in social and educational activities.
Medication Assistance Program
SeniorsThe Medication Access Program (MAP) provides assistance to qualifying persons of any age who are experiencing financial hardship and difficulty with paying for their medications. Our committed staff and volunteers will help clients identify their eligibility and which medications may be obtained for free or at a low cost.
Miller Community House
HousingMiller Community House provides emergency shelter and supportive services to individuals and families experiencing a housing crisis. The shelter consists of 5 large bedrooms and common areas, including a living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry room, playroom, and a patio and playground. Food and basic personal items are provided to those who need them.
Mobile Meals
SeniorsMobile Meals works to provide regular nutritional meals to low-income, elderly, and disabled individuals in Summit, Cuyahoga, and Portage County. Mobile Meals offers home-delivered meals that are either hot or frozen, depending on the individuals’ needs. The meals come from dietician-created monthly menus that meet daily nutrition requirements.
Next Step
Youth ServicesNext Step is a community-based program that focuses on empowering victimized youth on their path to self-sufficiency. Our case managers will assist youth in securing housing, employment, education, transportation, and health care. We work with clients to create a developed case plan situated around their individual needs.
Ohio Early Intervention
Youth ServicesEarly Intervention is a statewide system that provides coordinated services to parents and caregivers who feel their infant or toddler may be behind others their age or have concerns their child should be walking, talking, or meeting other milestones they have not yet met. Infants and toddlers learn best through everyday experiences and interactions with familiar people in familiar contexts.