Freedom House
VeteransFreedom House is a 14-bed transitional housing facility for veterans. We strive to improve the quality of life for our veterans, and we do this by providing support through intensive case management and access to community resources dedicated to enhancing self-sufficiency.
Harry Donovan Jr. Valor Home Summit
Youth ServicesHarry Donovan, Jr. Valor Home in Summit County is a transitional housing program for homeless veterans. We are a 24/7 transitional housing program providing structured and engaging therapies throughout the week, which include art therapy, music therapy, life skills, and stress management. Each veteran is provided an individual room during their stay and lives at the Valor Home for an average of 6 to 12 months with an end goal of gaining permanent housing.
Honor Home
VeteransHonor Home provides stability by meeting the veterans where they are on their journey to permanent housing. Our transitional housing offers support, clothing and food. We provide comprehensive, supportive case management and access to both veteran’s programing and community resources.
Housing and Emergency Support Services
HousingHESS offers a variety of resources in order to provide the maximum amount of support that families and individuals in crisis need. If you have received an eviction notice, need information and assistance to access community resources, are currently homeless, or need support to resolve a housing emergency, please give us a call.
Kentway Senior Independent Living
SeniorsKentway Senior Independent Living is open to anyone who is over the age of 55 and can afford the cost of renting either through their own income or through eligibility with subsidized housing. Kentway offers 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom, and ADA-compliant apartments that feature a full bath, living room, and kitchen.
Miller Community House
HousingMiller Community House provides emergency shelter and supportive services to individuals and families experiencing a housing crisis. The shelter consists of 5 large bedrooms and common areas, including a living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry room, playroom, and a patio and playground. Food and basic personal items are provided to those who need them.
Next Step
Youth ServicesNext Step is a community-based program that focuses on empowering victimized youth on their path to self-sufficiency. Our case managers will assist youth in securing housing, employment, education, transportation, and health care. We work with clients to create a developed case plan situated around their individual needs.
Portage Area Transitional Housing
HousingThe PATH program continues to provide transitional housing in Portage County and works with Portage Metropolitan Housing Authority (PMHA) and private landlords to house families in need. The PATH program supports participants in finding secure, permanent housing and increasing economic well-being through comprehensive, supportive services.
Safe Path
HousingSafe Path allows survivors of domestic violence and their children to pursue safe and healthy lives by providing safe, transitional housing. Through our secure building, there are 11 two-bedroom units available at a subsidized cost. There is also a case management office on-site to help participants increase safety, self-sufficiency, and self-empowerment through rebuilding lives and obtaining permanent housing.
Samuel L Felton, Jr. Valor Home Lorain
VeteransSamuel L Felton, Jr. Valor Home in Lorain County is a transitional housing program for homeless male veterans. We are a 24/7 transitional housing program providing structured and engaging therapies throughout the week, which include art therapy, music therapy, life skills, and stress management. Each veteran is provided with an individual room during their stay and lives at the Valor Home for an average of 6 to 12 months with an end goal of gaining permanent housing.