Safe Path

Safe Path allows survivors of domestic violence and their children to pursue safe and healthy lives by providing safe, transitional housing. Through our secure building, there are 11 two-bedroom units available at a subsidized cost. There is also a case management office on-site to help participants increase safety, self-sufficiency, and self-empowerment through rebuilding lives and obtaining permanent housing.

Safe Path provides a variety of services in conjunction with housing for victims of domestic violence. The ultimate goal is to promote greater self-sufficiency, safety, and permanent housing. Some of the additional services offered include case management, counseling, housing and legal advocacy, employment assistance, and transportation.


BUSINESS LINE : 330-296-2100
24/7 HOTLINE: 330-673-2500

Family comforted at transitional housing.


Safe Path serves both women and men who are actively attempting to escape an abusive relationship where children reside in the household. Participants are eligible to stay for up to 1 year and are responsible for paying 30% of their income toward housing for rent and utilities. If a participant has a prior criminal charge, it does not prevent approval from the program, as the nature of the charge is taken into consideration.

While Safe Path does not offer immediate housing, the wait to get in is shorter than most other subsidized housing programs. However, it may take several months from the time your application is completed to enter the Safe Path program. While you are waiting, a safe shelter is available to you and your children through Safer Futures.


households served each year 


children receive shelter and support 


Want to support survivors of domestic violence and their children? Please consider donating or volunteering with Safe Path today. 

Mother and child play at domestic violence shelter.

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