Senior Support Action Group

Being homebound can be an isolating experience to say the least, and we are hoping to alleviate senior loneliness and challenges presented by being homebound. The Senior Support Action Group aims to bring both physical and mental wellness to each homebound senior we serve.

Medication Assistance Program

The Medication Access Program (MAP) provides assistance to qualifying persons of any age who are experiencing financial hardship and difficulty with paying for their medications. Our committed staff and volunteers will help clients identify their eligibility and which medications may be obtained for free or at a low cost.

Foster Grandparent Program

The Foster Grandparent Program (FGP) recruits individuals 55 and better to volunteer as tutors, mentors, and role models to young people with exceptional and special needs (i.e. learning disabilities, language barriers, or those who are abused or neglected) at schools and community centers. They also help students with socio-emotional development to improve self-confidence, combat bullying, develop social skills, and improve overall mental well-being.

Volunteers In Service To America

AmeriCorps VISTA – Volunteers In Service To America – is a national service program that works to eliminate poverty. Members commit to one year of service at a non-profit or government agency to support community efforts to overcome poverty and develop initiatives that enable people to become self-sufficient and secure.

Mobile Meals

Mobile Meals works to provide regular nutritional meals to low-income, elderly, and disabled individuals in Summit, Cuyahoga, and Portage County. Mobile Meals offers home-delivered meals that are either hot or frozen, depending on the individuals’ needs. The meals come from dietician-created monthly menus that meet daily nutrition requirements.