Foster Grandparent Program
Our mission is to enhance the lives of children with exceptional needs through a caring relationship and to provide a high quality experience that enriches the lives of the volunteers and the children they serve.
The Foster Grandparent Program (FGP) recruits individuals 55 and better to volunteer as tutors, mentors, and role models to young people with exceptional and special needs (i.e. learning disabilities, language barriers, or those who are abused or neglected) at schools and community centers. They also help students with socio-emotional development to improve self-confidence, combat bullying, develop social skills, and improve overall mental well-being.
The mission of F&CS is to strengthen, empower, and enrich the lives of individuals and families through a broad continuum of services. AmeriCorps Seniors strengthens, empowers and enriches the lives of senior volunteers by fostering civic engagement through service and volunteering. FGP also strengthens, empowers and enriches the lives of students through the service and volunteerism of the senior volunteers who provide tutoring and mentoring support.
FGP helps students improve academic engagement, achievement, and attendance. The program also benefits the senior volunteers by connecting them to opportunities that are purposeful and meaningful to them and that utilize their unique set of skills and experiences. Volunteering is also proven to help seniors maintain an active and social life, which leads to improved mental and physical well-being. This, in turn, helps volunteers continue to live independently in their homes for longer periods of time. FGP volunteers also receive a stipend based on the number of hours served. This stipend assists with their ability to volunteer and live independently at home. The stipend does not detract from other social services they receive because it is not counted as income (they must qualify under 200% of the federal poverty income threshold). Other benefits that enable them to volunteer include mileage reimbursement or bus passes, meals, background checks, and uniforms.