Capital & Fundraising Projects

Family & Community Services and its programs are currently undertaking a number of growth and expansion projects. The goal of all of these projects is to increase the capacity and quality of the services we offer. You can learn more about our ongoing capital projects and how to get involved below.

Freedom House

The cost of rent, utilities, food, and other necessities remains at an all-time high. Your support can make a significant difference in offsetting these rising costs, and you can help ensure that every veteran we serve has a place to stay – whether it’s a shelter or a place they rent or own. Please help us keep our doors open and services available and ensure that no veteran in Portage County, regardless of gender or family makeup, goes without a home.

Honor Home

Each year, Honor Home serves around 100 homeless veterans across Stark County, all of whom have been males. However, female veterans are the fastest growing homeless population, making up 8% of homeless veterans today. And they are dealing with unique challenges like military sexual trauma or having children in the household.

Help us accommodate both males and females, including LGBTQ veterans, and give them a private space to live during their stay with us.

Veteran's Haven

Each year, Veteran’s Haven serves around 50 homeless veterans across Mahoning County, all of whom have been males. However, female veterans are the fastest growing homeless population, making up 8% of homeless veterans today. And they are dealing with unique challenges like military sexual trauma or having children in the household.

Help us accommodate both males and females, including LGBTQ veterans and veterans with children, and give them a private space to live during their stay with us.