Volunteers in Service to America

Our mission is to lift people and communities out of poverty. 

AmeriCorps VISTA – Volunteers in Service to America – is a national service program that works to eliminate poverty. Members commit to one year of service at a non-profit or government agency to support community efforts to overcome poverty and develop initiatives that enable people to become self-sufficient and secure. Members work in conjunction with the Corporation for National and Community Service and Family & Community Services.

Members work behind the scenes at their organization and gain experience in areas such as project management, grant writing, graphic design, marketing, and community involvement. During their year of service, members receive a living allowance, and upon completion, they receive either an end of service cash award or an education award to be applied to any existing federal student loans or future educational needs.


PHONE: 330-480-0352 ext 3

EMAIL: vista@fcsohio.org

ADDRESS: 201 Wick Ave., Youngstown OH 44503

AmeriCorps volunteer smiling.


AmeriCorps VISTA provides opportunities for Americans 18 years or older from a diverse range of backgrounds to dedicate a year of full-time service with an organization (“sponsor”) to create or expand programs designed to empower individuals and communities in overcoming poverty. To participate, you must be able to pass a national service criminal history check and hold one of the following citizenship statuses: US citizen, US National, Lawful Permanent Resident Aliens, and persons residing in a state that have the following legal residency classifications: refugee, asylum or asylee, temporary protected status, or deferred action for childhood arrivals (DACA) status.

For organizations interested in becoming a “sponsor”, F&CS is looking for non-profits with current 501(c)(3) status or government agencies in Northeast Ohio to host one or more full-time AmeriCorps VISTA members for one year. In order to qualify, host site applicants must have the capacity to provide:

  • On-site orientation and supervision
  • Dedicated workspace
  • Computer and any other equipment necessary to complete the required tasks
  • Mileage reimbursement for any travel required by the site
  • An environment that conforms to all relevant workplace-related health and safety laws


volunteers recruited or managed 


hours served at community organizations and events 


full year and 14 summer VISTA members


Volunteers! VISTA is looking for individuals who meet the criteria above to join our program. To learn more about how you can get become a VISTA, contact us today.

Volunteer carrying donation box for food bank.