
Above all else, Family & Community Services believes in going forth and doing good. And no action better exemplifies that idea than volunteering. Learn how you can get involved today!



americorps & americorps seniors opportunities

You may be eligible to participate in one of Family & Community Services’ AmeriCorps or AmeriCorps Seniors programs.

AmeriCorps volunteer helps unload equipment.


Volunteers In Service To America (VISTA) are volunteers that commit one year of service to an anti-poverty project through the Corporation for National and Community Service and F&CS.

AmeriCorps RSVP member smiling.


The Retired Seniors Volunteer Program (RSVP) connects volunteers ages 55 and better with service opportunities in their communities that match their skills and availability.

Volunteer sits and converses with blind senior.


The Senior Companion Program (SCP) brings together volunteers ages 55 and better with adults in their community who have difficulty with the simple tasks of day-to-day living.

AmeriCorps senior volunteer plays with child in sandbox.


The Foster Grandparents Program (FGP) connects volunteers ages 55 and better with youth that have exceptional needs to be role models, mentors, and friends.

how your community benefits

By volunteering, you can make an immediate, positive impact on your community. Here’s how:

  • Increase Number of People Served. Volunteers allow our programs to serve a greater number of people, meaning your neighbors will receive the support they need during difficult times. 
  • Strengthen Community Ties. Volunteering unifies our community by bringing together people from all walks of life. Working together towards the common goal of bettering our community gives us time to learn more about one another and what we have in common.
  • Amplify Local Resources. By volunteering, more people learn about the resources and social services in their area. This helps the programs get their message out, receive more referrals, find more supporters, and make connections with other local programs or businesses.
Volunteers organizing donated clothing in Ravenna, Ohio.
Volunteers organize donations for Portage County winter toy drive.

how you benefit

By volunteering, not only will you be helping your community—you’ll also be helping yourself! There are many personal benefits to volunteering, such as:

  • Making New Connections. By volunteering, you’ll meet new people who live in your area and share the same values you do. You can make new friendships and expand your social network.
  • Improving Your Health. Volunteering has been linked to a decrease in depression rates and an increase in self-esteem. In addition to helping your mental health, certain volunteer opportunities will help you stay physically active.
  • Building Career and Life Skills. When you volunteer, you practice skills such as problem-solving, collaboration, communication, and project management. You can also gain experience in areas of work that are transferable to your career.
  • Enjoying Yourself.  Volunteering is an opportunity to take part in work that has meaning and is exciting to you. It can break up the monotony of your weekly routine and give you the chance to get out into the world and have some fun!

“When you help someone, it helps you, too.”

-Bernard, RSVP Volunteer