The Samuel L Felton Jr. Valor Home

Our mission is to support homeless veterans in our community in their efforts to achieve greater self-sufficiency, including the ability to secure and maintain permanent housing.

Samuel L Felton, Jr. Valor Home in Lorain County is a transitional housing program for homeless male veterans. We are a 24/7 transitional housing program providing structured and engaging therapies throughout the week, which include art therapy, music therapy, life skills, and stress management. Each veteran is provided with an individual room during their stay and lives at the Valor Home for an average of 6 to 12 months with an end goal of gaining permanent housing.

This Valor Home location is named for Samuel L Felton, Jr., a lifelong resident of Lorain, Ohio. He was a member of the United States Marine Corps from December 1968 to August 1971. Sam honorably served three tours in Vietnam and while there, received both the Navy Cross for heroism and the Purple Heart for being wounded in combat. In August 1972, Sam was honorably discharged from the U.S. Marines. In 2019, Felton was inducted into the Veterans Hall of Fame for his life-long involvement and contributions to his community and fellow veterans.


Phone: 440-387-4293

Veteran Coordinated Entry: 855-234-7310


Address: 221 W 21st Street Lorain, OH 44052

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Homeless military veteran and support volunteer talking to each other.


At Samuel L Felton, Jr. Valor Home, we provide support services to residents both on-site and in the community. Each resident is assigned a support worker and has a daily routine that includes self-improvement activities, exercises in self-sufficiency, and personal time.

Eligibility for enrollment with the Samuel L Felton, Jr. Valor Home includes:

  • Must be a veteran
  • Must be homeless
  • At least 18 years of age
  • Able to live in an environment with people from a variety of backgrounds, sexual orientations, races, colors, cultures, disabilities, and ages

While living in our facilities, veterans can be provided with bus passes, security deposit assistance, rent assistance, help with finding or maintaining employment, referrals for assistance to obtain benefits, help accessing child care, help with obtaining school supplies, and more.


veterans served each year


bed nights provided


We are always in need of volunteers and donations. 

We are currently in need of volunteers to drive clients to job opportunities, medical appointments, and recreational activities. We also need volunteers to assist at our front desk by answering phones, filing paperwork, and other administrative tasks. 

You can also assist our veterans by donating any of the following items: 

  • Towels, pillows, twin XL sheets, coffee, sugar, and creamer 
  • New pots and pans for veterans moving into permanent housing 
  • Used vehicles for veterans to transport themselves to appointments 
  • Monetary gifts to help feed veterans or provide needed supplies 

For more information on current list of donation needs, please email

Valor Home mural outside veteran shelter in Lorain, Ohio.