Safer Futures

Our mission is to reduce domestic violence in Portage County as a link to shelter, support, legal advocacy and referrals.

Safer Futures is the only shelter and resource center providing support, information, and advocacy to those affected by intimate partner violence in Portage County. We provide shelter services through a safe, confidential, supportive location for victims and children fleeing domestic violence. Over the years, our services have grown to include support groups, transitional housing, and outreach advocacy. In addition, we have Domestic Violence Specialists who are available 24/7 to answer confidential phone calls through our telephone support services.

Telephone Support Services: Domestic Violence Specialists are ready to answer your call 24/7 and can provide resources and referrals to those experiencing intimate partner violence or to those seeking information for a friend or loved one. All calls are confidential. The 24-hour hotline numbers are (330) 673-2500 and (330) 296-2100.

Shelter and Resource Center: Safer Futures provides a safe place for you and your children to stay while you create a plan with staff and learn about your options. The shelter is in an undisclosed location and provides a variety of services. There are also Domestic Violence Specialists that are available to residents 24/7. Safer Futures has been certified as a Safe Zone shelter and works closely with the Ohio Domestic Violence Network to provide trauma-informed services and to maintain best practices standards.

Legal Advocacy & Protection Orders: Safer Futures also provides legal advocacy and support services for survivors. Our Legal Advocate can help guide you in navigating the legal system and provides assistance with Domestic Violence Civil Protection Orders, Civil Anti-Stalking Orders, and Sexually Oriented Offense Protection Orders. To contact Safer Future’s Legal Advocate, please call (330) 297-4229.


BUSINESS LINE : 330-296-2100

24/7 HOTLINE: 330-673-2500

FAX: (330) 298-9180

Sign up to receive updates about our work and ways you can get involved

Survivor of domestic violence.


Safer Futures serves all genders with or without children, as well as teens, who are actively attempting to escape an abusive relationship. Advocate services are provided for all Safer Futures participants. Each individual and their children will work with an assigned advocate who will provide case management, employment support, healthy coping skills, parental support, and schooling/childcare support.


adults and children served


survivors received outreach and supportive services


shelter nights provided


We are always in need of the following donations:

  • Nonperishable food items and paper products
  • Toiletries and menstrual products 
  • Used cell phones for cell phone program

Volunteer are also needed to assist with various projects, and monetary donations are always welcome to help with assisting victims and shelter operations.

We also encourage others to help raise awareness about domestic violence in our community and/or request a presentation for your organization or group. 

Mother and child playing with donated stuffed animal at domestic violence shelter.


Learn more about domestic violence, its signs, its legal precedent, and how you can take action against it.