We’re excited to reveal Miller Community House’s new logo! As much as we loved our old logos, we wanted a visual identity that better reflected the values and practices of our shelter.
Like our previous logos, our new logo features a house, signifying the core of our mission–providing individuals and families with a place to stay. But, unlike the previous versions, the house is built around a heart, emphasizing our trauma-informed care approach to clients.
Trauma-informed care means we get to know our clients on an individual level by learning about their history and, in most cases, their trauma. By better understanding their past circumstances, we can create a more comprehensive case management plan that addresses the root issues of why someone may be experiencing homelessness.
The heart also symbolizes the caring and nurturing environment that clients can expect when staying with us. More than just a roof over their heads, Miller Community House is a safe, non-judgemental place where clients can begin to heal and begin building their new life.
With this new logo, we hope to communicate our values more immediately to those just learning about our program and to reaffirm our mission of trauma-informed care to those who have been long-time supporters.
If you would like to support Miller Community House’s mission, please reach out to [email protected] to learn more about how to get involved or donate here.