F&CS Adoption Services

Our mission is to provide safe, stable, and loving families, for children in need.

Family and Community Services, Inc. – Foster Care and Adoption Services is a private, non-profit foster care and adoption agency in Michigan. We are contracted with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) as a licensed Child Placing Agency to provide foster care and DHHS adoption services to children and families. In addition, we assist families with domestic and international adoptions. 

Our experienced staff educates and supports families as they deal with the complexities of the foster care and adoption process, including attachment difficulties and the management of special needs presented by the children placed in their homes. In addition to locating stable homes for children in need, our agency provides additional adoption support services such as adoption orientation, education and training, pregnancy support, adoptive family assessments or home studies, placement services, and adoption supervision.

The communication and relationships we build with our clients is of the highest priority to our staff. Many of our staff have experience with foster care and/or adoption in their personal lives and have now devoted their careers to assisting others through their own journeys.

PHONE : 844-575-8001
ADDRESS: 42140 Van Dyke Ave. Suite 110, Sterling Heights, MI 48314
Adoptive family make heart hands together.


Our foster care and adoption programs provide services to children and families. We serve children ages 0-19 who have been exposed to abuse and/or neglect, come from diverse cultural backgrounds, may be part of a sibling group, have experienced trauma, may be experiencing some issues oriented around gender identity, and may have developmental, physical, educational, or emotional impairments.

For individuals and families interested in opening their hearts and providing a safe haven to our children via foster care and/or adoption, please reach out to us for more information on becoming a foster or adoptive parent. We are an all-inclusive non-profit organization that does not discriminate based upon background, gender, marital status, and/or sexual orientation.


children received foster care services


children received adoption services


We are currently in high need of families who are interested in providing foster care services to our older youth.  Our older youth are our most vulnerable population and often require additional support and services.  In addition, we are always in need of families who are interested in providing foster care services to our sibling groups.  Entering foster care is traumatic, however, the impact of that trauma is decreased when we are able to keep our siblings together.

Couple holding hands while filling adoption papers.