Stark County – Mayor and County Day of Recognition for National Service

Family & Community Services, Inc.

AmeriCorps Senior volunteers with Canton mayor Thomas M. Bernabei.


Senior Corps of Stark County was grateful to have the Honorable Thomas M. Bernabei present a proclamation to the gathered group of volunteers, Advisory Council members, local Site Supervisors and FCS Staff in honor of Mayor and County Recognition Day for National Service.

The celebration took place at the Community Campus at Goodwill on March 20. Mayor and County Day of Recognition for National Service is an annual, nationwide event in which over 3,500 elected officials participated last year.

In addition to Senior Companion, RSVP and Foster Grandparent volunteers, several Stark County Senior Corps Advisory Council Members were present. Lisa Turklj-Painter from Canton City Schools and Shelley Kizer-Hays from SCCAA Head Start also showed their enthusiastic support for hard-working, local National Service volunteers.

Senior Companions help frail elderly people retain independence in their own homes for as long as possible. RSVP volunteers provide transportation, help in food pantries, do tax counseling and take part in many other crucial community support programs. Foster Grandparents tutor and mentor students in local schools, Head Starts, YMCAs and at other non-profit educational sites.

Congratulations to the Senior Corps volunteers who are working hard every day, all over Stark County, making a difference in people’s lives and strengthening the fabric of our local communities!

For more information or to inquire about volunteering, call the Family & Community Services, Inc. National Service Office at 330-677-3939.