PCARS Donation

Family & Community Services, Inc.

Portage County radio staff handing over donation for Ravenna food pantry.

The Portage County Amateur Radio Service (PCARS) presented Mark Frisone, chief executive officer of Family & Community Services, Inc., with a donation of $3,857 to support the efforts of the Center of Hope in Ravenna. Rick Kruis, president of PCARS, and Jim Wilson, vice president, presented Frisone with the donation. “This is truly a clear example of the impact that the Center has on our community. It is generous donations from area organizations that give us the resources to continue to help those in need,” said Frisone upon receiving the donation.

PCARS holds a monthly meeting that includes a presentation on a current Amateur Radio topic as well as a 50/50 raffle. The funds raised by the raffle at the November meeting, along with private donations, were what the donation was comprised of that went to the Center of Hope.

The Center of Hope, a program of Family & Community Services, Inc., is dedicated to enhancing the nutrition of low-income people in Portage County where local food pantries are not present. The center provides hot meals at no cost, five days a week for 100 to 150 individuals per day.

Groceries are also available monthly through the Christian Cupboard, free of charge, dependent upon an individual’s income eligibility requirements. There are opportunities for socialization, cooking classes and referral services.

PCARS, an American Radio Relay League affiliated special services club, is a group of Amateur Radio hobbyists located in Portage County, Ohio. The group started ten years ago and currently has over 200 active members. Their mission is simply to have fun and teach others in the community who are interested in amateur radio how to begin.

Special Interest Groups are available for those who want to have a hands-on experience and take a deeper look into particular topics. Licensing and upgrade classes are also offered, as well as operating events and building projects on a monthly basis.

For more information about PCARS visit www.portcars.org.