How to Support F&CS Programs this Holiday Season
It’s the giving season! Below is a list of F&CS programs’ biggest needs this holiday season. You can also always donate to F&CS or one of its programs here.
What We Need
Volunteers to mentor children for 6 hours every month, with a one-year volunteering commitment. If you are interested in volunteering, fill out this form.
Or you can give monetarily using this link.
What We Need
We are currently in need of the following food donations:
- Cranberry sauce
- Canned sweet potatoes
- Canned turkey gravy
- Stove Top stuffing mix
- Cooking oil
- Mayonnaise
- Butter
- Celery
- White potatoes
- Onions
- Eggs
- Sweet relish
- Brownie mix
- Turkey
- Green beans
- Corn
- Corned bread mix
- Broth
- Cream mushroom
- Elbow macaroni
- Pie
Or you can support us monetarily by giving here.
What We Need
We rely mainly on community support so please consider donating to our program here.
We are also always in need of the following supplies:
- School supplies
- Toiletries
- Cleaning supplies
What We Need
We are currently in need of the following donations:
- Paper plates (small and large)
- Bingo prizes
- Styrofoam bowls
- Napkins
- Coffee stirrers
- Powdered coffee creamer
- Sugar
- Gift cards
- AA and AAA batteries
You can also support our program by donating online here.
How to Donate
We accept donations Monday through Friday from 9am to 2pm on the first floor at 705 Oakwood Street in Ravenna.
What We Need
We are currently in need of the following donations:
- Lotions
- Crossword puzzles
- Razors
- Soap
- Deodorant
- Alarm clocks
- Playing cards
- Cleaning supplies
- Markers
- Colored pencils
- Utensils
- Batteries
- Slippers
- Socks
- Gloves
- Blankets
- New clothing
- Towels
- Pajamas
You can also support us by donating online using this link.
What We Need
We rely mainly on community support so please consider donating to our program here.
We are also always in need of the following supplies:
- School supplies
- Toiletries
- Cleaning supplies
What We Need
- Durable paper plates (Dinner and salad)
- Bowls
- Plastic cups (12 or 18 oz)
- Napkins
- Plastic silverware
- Gift cards for food for events
Or you can support us by giving online here.
What We Need
- Volunteers in the kitchen for Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 am – 12:30 pm
- Volunteers in the pantry for Monday and Friday afternoons from 11:45 am – 2:30 pm
- Food items
- Gently used coffee cups
- Dish rags
- Oven mitts
- Paper towels
You can also donate online here.
How To Donate
You can mail or drop off donations to the Center of Hope (1081 W Main Street, Ravenna, OH 44266) Monday through Friday from 9am-3pm.
What We Need
We are always collecting brand new items for our Santa’s closet. It could be something as small as a new candle, nail clipper set, a piece of new jewelry, new fashion scarf, new blanket or throw. Anything that would work as a gift for any age male or female to give or receive. We usually struggle with ideas for men’s gifts.
You can also support our mission by donating online here.
How To Donate
Please call 330-296-0503 to set up an appointment time to drop off.
What We Need
Non-perishable food items, specifically: Jell-O, stuffing, rice or pasta, boxed potatoes, apple sauce, soup, cranberry sauce, cake or muffin mix, canned vegetables, canned fruit, canned sweet potatoes, and canned pumpkin.
You can also donate online here.
How To Donate
You can mail or drop off donations to Kent Social Services (1066 S Water Street, Kent, OH 44240) Monday through Friday from 9am-3pm.
What We Need
- Dog or cat toys
- Dog or cat treats
How To Donate
New, unwrapped toys and treats can be dropped off at the Center of Hope (1081 W Main St, Ravenna), Kent Social Services (1066 S Water St, Kent), Portage Insurance (202 S Meridian, Ravenna), or Brimfield Insurance (1204 Tallmadge Rd, Brimfield).
What We Need
We would like donations to support the purchase of a new vehicle that would allow us to reach more people in need with greater efficiency.
Donate to the car fund or make a general monetary donation here.
What We Need
- Volunteers!
- Items for our welcome baskets: brushes, combs, multi-cultural hair care products, hygiene products, towels, robes, and self-care and beauty products
- New clothing (all sizes for kids and adults needed): pajama and sweat sets, shirts/pants, underwear, bras, socks, shoes, winter basics
- Baking items: flour, sugar, baking soda, oil, etc.
- Quick meals (canned or boxed)
- Snacks
- Drink mixes
- Bottled water
- Meats & produce
- Gift cards and gas cards
- Cleaning products: all-purpose wipes and sprays, dish soap, sponges, laundry detergent, bleach
- Trash cans with lids (big and small sizes)
- New twin and full bedding
- Pillows
- Waterproof mattress covers
- Paper products (paper towels, toilet paper, etc.)
- Dish and silverware sets
- New baby items: car seat, pack ‘n’ play, bassinet
You can also donate online by using this link.
How to Donate
Call us at 330-673-2500 for questions or to schedule a drop off.
What We Need
One of the places you can find the Someplace Safe / Solace Center Giving Tree is at Urban Tap Warren Ohio. Help to make someone’s holiday a little brighter by picking up a tag today.
You can also purchase tickets at a later time for our upcoming Dinner & Desserts event in March. Stay up to date with registration by signing up for our mailing list here.
We are also in need of monetary donations. You can support our mission by donating via this link.
What We Need
- Gloves
- New tents and sleeping bags. Please note that we cannot accept used items.
- Monetary donations. You can donate using this link.
What We Need
We rely on community support to run our program. Please consider donating to support Miller Community House using this link.
Our current donation needs are:
- Shower gel
- Lotion
- Body spray
- Dishes
- Pots & pans
- Silverware
- Kitchen & bathroom towels
- Self-care items
Please donate items at 1211 Anita Dr., Kent, OH 44240.
What We Need
We are always in need of physical and monetary donations. Our current donation needs are:
- New pots and pans for veterans moving into permanent housing
- Towels
- Twin XL sheets
- Pillows
- Coffee, sugar, and creamer
- Your used vehicle so veterans can transport themselves to appointments
Or you can support us monetarily by giving here.
If you are interested in volunteering, we are in need of volunteers to transport clients to job opportunities, medical appointments, and recreational activities. We also need volunteers at our front desk to help answer phones, file paperwork, and do other administrative tasks.
What We Need
We are always in need of volunteers and donations.
We are currently in need of volunteers to drive clients to job opportunities, medical appointments, and recreational activities. We also need volunteers to assist at our front desk by answering phones, filing paperwork, and other administrative tasks.
You can also assist our veterans by donating any of the following items:
- Towels, pillows, twin XL sheets, coffee, sugar, and creamer
- New pots and pans for veterans moving into permanent housing
- Used vehicles for veterans to transport themselves to appointments
- Monetary gifts to help feed veterans or provide needed supplies
We are also in need of monetary donations to help feed veterans and provide needed supplies. You can give by using this link.
What We Need
- VS/Mastercard gift cards
- Misc. gift cards
- Food items
- Bath towels and washcloths
- Twin XL size sheet sets and comforter sets
- Shower sandals
- Bluetooth headphones
- Male/female body wash, shampoo, conditioner
- Male/female deodorant
- Paper products and disposable utensils
- Cleaning supplies and laundry detergent
- Alarm clocks
- Personal umbrellas
- Laundry bags/hampers (for dirty laundry)
- Calendars & planners
- Men’s winter coats (all sizes)
- Large and XL plain men’s T-shirts (any colors)
- Men’s sweatpants (M,L, and XL, any colors)
- Men’s Jeans (especially 30 to 40 waist)
- Men’s ankle socks
- Nail clippers
- Bikes
- Board games
- Fishing poles/tackle gear
You can also give monetarily using this link.
What We Need
We are currently in need of volunteers to drive clients to job opportunities, medical appointments, and recreational activities. We also need volunteers to assist at our front desk by answering phones, filing paperwork, and other administrative tasks.
You can also assist our veterans by donating any of the following items:
- Towels, pillows, twin XL sheets, coffee, sugar, and creamer
- New pots and pans for veterans moving into permanent housing
- Used vehicles for veterans to transport themselves to appointments
We are also in need of monetary gifts to help feed veterans or to help provide needed supplies. You can donate online using this link.
What We Need
We are always in need of gift cards for food, gas, and household items to provide to our veterans. You can also support the program with an online donation using this link.
What We Need
- Paper products
- Paper towel
- Toilet paper
- Plates
- Toiletries
- Underwear
- T-shirts
- Socks
- Gift cards
- Entertainment tickets
- Movies
- Concerts
- Sports events
- Trimmers
- Razors
- House shoes
- Ropes
- Bath towels
- Wash cloths
- XL Twin bedding
How to Donate
You can donate online using this link.
Drop off donations at: 2611 Homestead Ave Youngstown, OH 44502
What We Need
Volunteers! Foster Grandparents is looking for individuals who want to give back to their community. To learn more about how you can get involved, contact us today at 330-261-2631.
You can also support us monetarily by giving here.
What We Need
Volunteers! RSVP is looking for individuals who are interested in helping their communities. To learn more about how you can get involved with RSVP, contact us today at 330-393-6446 ext 1.
You can also donate online to support our program here.
What We Need
Volunteers! Senior Companion Program is looking for individuals who want to give back to their community. To learn more about how you can get involved, contact us today at 330-261-2631.
If you would like to support our program monetarily, you can make a donation using this link.
What We Need
You can support our mission by donating online using this link.
What We Need
Volunteers! VISTA is looking for individuals who meet the criteria above to join our program. To learn more about how you can get become a VISTA, contact us today at 330-480-0352 ext 3.